CMSs and WordPress Lessons and Materials for WIE Course

Links & Resources

WordPress Codex: The primary documentation for WordPress. (chapter 1)

WordPress Cheat Sheet Useful function list for WordPress

WordPress Semantics: An introduction to all things WordPress. A useful read for anyone new to WordPress. (chapter 1)

Installing WordPress: Directions for installing WordPress. (chapter 1)

WordPress Codex Glossary: Contains a list of terms and definitions for WordPress. (chapter 1)

WordPress Codex - The Loop Explains how the Loop works. (chapter 2)

WordPress Plugins Contains plugins that you can add to WordPress



Filezilla - the FTP application that will be used during this course.

Site Speed:

Google PageSpeed Plugin - Chrome Plugin for monitoring site speed.

ySlow - Open source site speed project.


Google SEO Guide

Text Editors:

Atom - A free text editor with a lot of extensibility. Note that I will use Sublime text during the course, but Atom is equivalent (if not better in certain ways).

Sublime Text 3.0 - A paid text editor with a lot of extensibility. This is the primary text editor used during this course, however you should seriously consider Atom as it is both free and comparable with this paid product.


UI Patterns Site with a lot of info about UI best practices.

Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools Bing Webmaster Tools

Wireframing Resources

Beginners Guide to Wireframing

Balsamiq - Wireframing tool - untested by me

Wireframing Information - Wikipedia


Chapter 2: - Yahoo Developer

“Environmental Design with the Device API” - A List Apart

“Defining a Vision: Making Sure Your Work Matters“ - A List Apart

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Your Content, Now Mobile - A List Apart

Strategic Content Management - A List Apart

Content Modelling: A Master Skill - A List Apart

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9: